Where I Am Now

I currently live in Arcadia, California.
I am 17 and I attend Arcadia High School, where I study to pursue my love for STEM. Anything remotely related to math, physics, technology will never cease to fascinate me. I took a Java and C++ class this year, and I found a new passion for coding. This summer I am involved with Girls Who Code , an organization empowering women to learn to code and become involved in the technology world.
At the moment I am stuck at home in quarantine, and I am trying to make the most use of my time in learning new skills! I've been learning how to play Howl's Moving Castle's Theme as well as Les Mistals Gagnant on the piano, which turned out to be surprisingly hard. I've also been investing my time in taking classes on Coursera and EdX to learn Python and Web Development!

Where I've Been

My dad's work requires my family and I to move around a lot, therefore I've lived around the globe since I was 7! Here is a little timeline of the places I've lived in:

Marseille, France

I was actually born in Paris, but all of my extended family lives in Marseille, so I think it's safe to say I'm from the south of France. This beautiful city is filled with stunning monuments, such as the Basilique Notre-Dame de la Garde, as well as breath-taking Calanques, which are high craggy white cliffs decending sharply to the sea. This city, filled with history, holds a big place in my heart and I have so many great memories from this place. Although I used to live in a small appartment in Créteil​, a commune in the subrbs of Paris, I came to Marseille quite frequently to visit family. I left France when I was 7, as my dad began to seek job opportunities in english-speaking countries.

London, England

Next, I lived in London. This is actually where I first learned to speak English! It's funny to think I used to speak with a British accent...I remember going to Kumon sessions everyday and having to fill out that tiny packet every single day to learn English, oh how I dreaded those. didn't live long in London, we only stayed for a year. We moved when I was at the end of Second Grade, which was called Year 3 by the English system. I actually lived in two different places within the capital during our stay. Our first residence was a tiny one room settlement within an appartment. Surprisingly, this is where I made the best memories with my family. Not too long after we had properly settled in, we moved to a normal house in a really amazing neighborhood. Once per year, all of our neighbors would close off the road and we would have a community barbeque the entire day.

New York, United States
New York

My family and I moved from Europe to the United States in 2012. We stayed there 7 years! We lived in Harrison, the suburbs of New York City. I fell in love with the city, the skyscappers, the parks, the people. There, I met some of my closest friends!

Los Angeles, United States
Los Angeles

This is where I live now! I moved here in the summer of my freshman year. So far I love living with a beautiful view of the moutains outside my window, being constantly surounded by palm trees... I've only been living here for 2 years, so there is still so much more to explore!

My Passions

I've always been drawn to art, whether this comes in the form of paiting, music, or making videos. Recently, as in a week ago, I have began my own YouTube channel, where I am able to share my art to the world. Making art has always played a huge part in my life since I was small, and now I want to extend this passion past just a small hobby. Here is the first art video I've made!

Alzheimer's Project

In my freshman year of high school, I completed a personal project promoting a cause that means a lot to me: research for Alzheimer’s. My grandfather contracted this incurable disease, which progressively degenerates the brain cells, resulting in a continuous decline in behavioral and social skills. Unfortunately, there is not much anyone can do to stop or even remotely slow this. With this knowledge I decided to act-- to devise a way to bring this often forgotten disorder to the eye of the public and raise funding for a cure. From this strong devotion to my grandfather, I crafted a short movie educating viewers of the current rising cases of Alzheimer’s, and contrasting this data with the incompetent treatments available. Through innovating means I created a storyboard for the deep plot, and I filmed and edited the movie. With this film I hope to have made an impact on those who have viewed this video, and to have incited them to donate in favor of research for Alzheimer’s.